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Inspired by Portugal, made in California. Online shop offering premium quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, herbal teas, artisanal honey, hand-blended salts and botanical skin care. Occasionally, specially curated handcrafted and vintage items from Portugal are also available.

Culinary Arts Food Education

Nuvea Santos Cobb

I just realized I never shared with you the swell time I had teaching the seniors from the CAFE (Culinary Arts Food Education) culinary academy at Rancho Mirage High School. I showed them how to do a basic olive oil tasting and it was so cool to see teenagers interested in the process of sensory evaluation, and even in the cultural and economic role of olive oil though out history. Of course, the best part was getting to wear my fancy chef uniform. Chef Merrick who tirelessly runs the program, was kind enough to ask me to come back and do another presentation, which made my day. They even gave me a very official looking certificate when I went back in the spring... Mentoring kids really is fun and I hope to do it more often in the future.