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Inspired by Portugal, made in California. Online shop offering premium quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, herbal teas, artisanal honey, hand-blended salts and botanical skin care. Occasionally, specially curated handcrafted and vintage items from Portugal are also available.

Life is Messy Kitchen

Nuvea Santos Cobb

Just in time to give us a break from all the delicious but incredibly fattening and heavy food that we consume over Thanksgiving, is Mayi Carles with her super fun Life is Messy Kitchen. The first recipe I tried was her avo-pesto. It's soooo easy - and all you need are a few simple ingredients. I made it to serve as a snack with crudités but had enough left over to make into sandwiches. Spread over thin slices of crunchy bread it's smooth and creamy and very filling.


one handful of basil; organic is best

1/2 cup of pine nuts

2 avocados, peeled, pitted and cubed

juice from half a lemon

2 garlic cloves. or 3 or 4 if you're like me and LOVE garlic

1 1/2 cups of olive oil ( I used extra virgin olive oil from Portugal. of course)

pinch of salt. I also added a little fresh ground pepper.

Combine all the ingredients, except the olive oil, in a food processor. Then, slowly, add the olive oil until you reach a nice, smooth consistency. That's it! Serve right away for maximum freshness.

From Mayi:   Whether you are struggling to trade busy work for a hammock + fill your tote with fresh flowers from the Farmer’s Market (after trying all the samples) or expand your definition of dinner under a starry sky, Life is Messy Kitchen: A Quirky Guide to Sane + Happy + Clean Eating is an invitation to reset our intention around food with a sense of humor + good appetite + a taste for adventure. Learn more at: